Dragon Fruit Plant

Dragon fruit is popular in Thailand, Vietnam, Israel and Sri Lanka.
Cultivation of dragon fruit: Now it has started in India too.



Dragon fruit is popular in Thailand, Vietnam, Israel and Sri Lanka.
Cultivation of dragon fruit: Now it has started in India too. The scientific name of dragon fruit is hylocereus undtus and the Hindi name is pitaya or strawberry pear. Dragon food has been cultivated in Israel, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka for a long time. Due to the demand and price of this fruit, the farmers of India are adopting it as a business. Most isfal is eaten in Mexico and Central Asia.

Benefits of dragon fruit?

This type of fruit is used for many types of diseases and healthy health in the body.

• Prevents sugar and diabetes from occurring in the body and helps in controlling those who have it together.

• Dragon fruit is beneficial for stomach related problems.

• Cholesterol should neither be high nor low in the body, at this time this fruit controls the amount of cholesterol in the body.

• Helpful in the supply of nutrients in the health of women during pregnancy.

• Beneficial in the prevention of diseases of bones and teeth

• The benefits of dragon fruits are also to increase immunity

• It is beneficial in all kinds of diseases, so it is used in 40% of medicines.

• Due to the increasing demand of dragon food in the market, farmers are getting good prices for it.

How is dragon fruit cultivated in India?

Cultivation of this fruit can be done anywhere in India except in snow and waterlogged places. In the cultivation of dragon fruit, it can be easily cultivated in the soil having 7-8 PH value. For this, all types of soil are suitable, if we talk about the temperature, then it can tolerate maximum 50 * Centigrade and minimum 10 * C.

How to plant dragon food plants in the field?

• Dragon fruit plants cannot grow without any support, so farmers have to put poles in the fields.

• Plant-to-plant distance spacing of 8-8 feet.

• Plants of Dragon Fruits: The distance of plants from row to row should be 12-12.

• The length of the pole should be 6-7 feet and should be pressed 1.5 to 2 feet in the ground.

• Plant 4 plants around a pole, tie them in the upward direction.

• On the pole you need to keep a 2*2 square piece of wood to hold the vine-like stems of the plant.

Which manure / fertilizer should be used in the cultivation of Dragon Fruit?

Let’s talk about dragon fruit cultivation and fertilizer fertilizer in the following way –

• Use only organic fertilizers in the cultivation of this fruit.

• Adding organic manure improves the production and taste of dragon fruit.

• More delicious The price of dragon fruit is also good.

Generally there are 3 types of dragon fruits –

• White Dragon Fruit

• Red Dragon Fruit

• Yellow Dragon Fruit

The highest demand and price is for the yellow dragon fruit, which is very tasty and sweet.

Dragon fruit price What is dragon fruit price?

Red Dragon comes the most in Indian markets, whose price ranges from Rs 150 to Rs 300.

Variety / Market Price (in Rs./kg),Dragon Fruits PriceWhite Dragon Fruit100 – 200/KG. Red Dragon Fruit 150 – 300/KG Yellow Pitaya (Yellow Dragon Fruit)400-800 /KG

Because recently in 2021, this name has been given to promote this farming in Gujarat. Now in the coming time, Gujarat’s largest dragon fruit crop will be taken.

What is the cost of dragon fruit?

Red Dragon is the best in the Indian market, whose price ranges from Rs.150 to Rs.300/kg.

How is dragon fruit cultivated?

Dragon fruit plants cannot grow without any support, so farmers have to put poles in the fields.
Plant to plant distance 8-8 feet interval.
Plants of Dragon Fruits The distance of plants from row to row should be 12-12.
The length of the pole should be 6-7 feet and should be pressed 1.5 to 2 feet in the ground.
Plant 4 plants around a pole, tie them in the upward direction

What are the benefits of dragon fruit?

Use of this type of fruit is eaten for many types of diseases and healthy health in the body – beneficial in the prevention of diseases of bones and teeth.
Benefits of dragon fruit is also to increase immunity
It is beneficial in some way or the other in all types of diseases, so it is used in 40% of medicines.
Farming of dragon fruit in the market, due to the increasing demand, farmers are getting good prices for it.

One year income from dragon fruit cultivation:

For cultivating dragon fruit, there should be a distance of 8×12 feet in one acre and about 500 poles come in one acre.
Dragon fruit starts in the first year itself, in the first year, 5-7 fruits come out from one pole.

In the second year, 5 to 10 kg of dragon fruit is obtained from one pole.
per pole and one acre

Example – A pole earns at least 5kg × 150rs = Rs.750 per pole
One acre = Rs 750 from one pole × 500 poles = Rs 375000 in one acre
Dragon fruit comes up to 15-20 KG in the third year
Example- 15kg × 150 rupees from one pole × 500 poles in one acre can come up to Rs 1125000.
Dragon fruit plant can get less than 25 KG to 30 KG of jam from one pole when fully matured
The fruit comes only once in a year and after the fruit leaves, the branches of dragon fruit should be cut every year.