Why you join us?
Bhumpreet bio plantic is a startup organization with a great vision.
We are hiring you if you are fresher’s or experienced.
We not focus on candidate education because an organization believes that a piece of paper is not judge a person.
And also agriculture sector covered 60% area of our country so in these sector a carrier scope and growth is very high.
Training mode:
Formal introduction
Organization gives a formal basic knowledge to new personnel about organization and also products.
With the help of that a new employees create a basic idea about organization and market share of products.
Sitting knowledge sharing
A managers or a senior person give training to a new employee about,
1. market condition,
2. how to interact with a customers,
3. how to pitch a new customers.
On the job training
Without a practical experience a new employee does not able to come into a market so managerial persons of organization or senior persons of employee come with a new joined and give a practical training.
How you join us?
Our Email id:- [email protected]
- organization use 360 performance appraisal method for measuring a employees performance
- Everyone is not perfect someone has different strength so someone has different skills so organization saw everyone skills.