Apple Ber Plant

Apple berry cultivation, it is a seasonal fruit which is a very good source of energy, many types of nutrients are found, due to which there is a huge demand in the market. Scientific name of plum – Ziziphus jujuba (Ziziphus jujuba).



Apple berry cultivation, it is a seasonal fruit which is a very good source of energy, many types of nutrients are found, due to which there is a huge demand in the market. Scientific name of plum – Ziziphus jujuba (Ziziphus jujuba). In today’s time, Apple ber Ki Kheti Horticulture Management should be done in modern ways so that farmers get more benefits. Plum and apple plum are almost the same. The history of plum has been there since the beginning, you must have known that in Ramayana, Sabari had fed sweet and sweet plums to Shri Ram ji. Apple berry is now being produced in many states of the country. Farmers of arid and semi-arid regions of India are taking full advantage of this

Features of Sindori Apple Ber. Sindori Apple Ber ki Kheti ki Khasiyt ?

• Vitamin C, A, B, and sugar in this fruit as well as minerals, zinc, calcium, etc. are beneficial mineral elements.

• Apple Ber is more sweet, tastier, red color quality than other berries.

• This plum is shiny and apple shaped.

• The same medicinal properties are present in this apple berry as many qualities are there in the fruit of the apple.

• It is available at the rate of 2 to 3 times as compared to the normal plum, farmers also get good price.

• In this way the Kuber variety continues Thailand’s money which was introduced in India 10 years ago from today.

• This tree prepared by grafting method is of hybrid species, whose root and stem are hybrid.

• Production of apple berry is two-three times more than that of desi berry.

• The government also provides 50% subsidy to the farmers on hybrid bero plants which come in installments in 3 years.

• Apple Ber ki Kheti requires less water, which is a lot once a month.

• Plum Day is celebrated in India on 23 January.

How to plantation

• To plant apple ber plants, like other horticultural plants, transplanting is done by 1 ft deep, 1 ft.

• At the time of transplanting plants in the cultivation of apple berry, add organic manure only.

• In one bigha, 180 -240 plants are needed.

• The farmer needs 240 plants if planted in the size of 9 * 9.

• According to 8 * 12, 180 plants are needed in the cultivation of apple plum.

How to Irrigate

• Apple plum tree is mainly a Jagali (hill) tree, which gives more production with less irrigation.

• The farmer has to irrigate by drip method for two weeks.

• If irrigation is done by making circles, then it has to be done at an interval of one month.

Market price and market price of apple berry?

Mainly in the country, the market price of apple berry and the prices of local markets-

• The price is fixed to the farmers in the market according to the taste and quality of the bore.

• By the way, the local market price can be sold to the farmer for Rs 40 to 60 per kg.

• Talking about the market price / wholesale price of apple plum, then the price of 20 to 35 kg is available.

Cultivation of vermilion apple berry in one acre gives an income of about 5 lakh to 10 lakh rupees.